One of my personal favorite aftercare products is H2Ocean. You see, H2Ocean and I go back to 2010-2011 when I first started working at Piercing Pagoda. During my first couple days working there, I had a customer ask for H2Ocean but I wasn’t familiar with it so after I checked out the customers purchase.. I asked my manager exactly what H2Ocean was.

She explained that it’s purified ocean water in a can, it’s sterile, and that a lot of customers like it because you can spray it on the piercing.. making it more convenient. I was mind blown because I had no idea you could use salt water for piercings (I was 20 btw and very new to piercings) She also handed me the card with all the info on it and to my surprise.. you can use H2Ocean for more than just piercings. Here’s what else you can use it for: burns, cuts, sore throats, acne, and nasal congestion

6 reasons h2ocean is great for piercings.jpg

So I thought, okay this is pretty cool. Most customers who asked for H2Ocean were already believers and I sold a few bottles here and there to people who didn’t know about it but it wasn’t until I got my own nose pierced that I was a true believer.

After I got my nose pierced, which honestly felt like i got punched in the nose for a few days, I cleaned it dial soap and water. (In 2011 dial was what piercers recommended. The Association of Professional Piercers no longer recommends dial soap for piercings) but after a few weeks I slowly developed a bump on my nose. This was the same bump I developed on BOTH of my cartilage piercings. The only different was this bump was on my nose where EVERYONE can clearly see and the fact that I sold jewelry 5 days a week didn’t make me feel any better so I started using this holy grail product everyone raved about.

I used it 3 times a day and soon enough it went away. I also ended up switching my piercing from stainless steel to a gold bone nose ring. My body seems to not do well with stainless steel or other metals other than gold. (Everyone is different)

So what exactly makes H2Ocean good to use?

  1. It’s Sterile. The fact that it comes in a can makes it sterile to ensure nothing contaminates H2Ocean. It’s like a “bag in a can.” Also, H2Ocean uses purified salt water to ensure there are no contaminants in the water.

  2. Exact Water to Salt Ratio. Making your own salt water solution can be tricky because if you don’t use enough or too much salt it can effect your piercing. With H2Ocean, you can ensure the proper amount is used. Also the whole sea salt vs table salt thing.. it’s such a controversy and again with H2Ocean you have a peace in mind that the correct salt is used.

  3. Contains Enzymes. H2Ocean contains Lysozyme which helps fight bad bacteria that may enter your piercings. These enzymes remain active 4-5 hours after H2Ocean has been used.

  4. Easy to use. You can bring H2Ocean every where you go like work or vacation.. making it very convenient. Also the fact that it comes it a spray form makes its very easy to spray directly on your piercing vs using gauze/paper towels.

  5. Multiple Uses. Not only can H2Ocean be used for piercings, you can also use it for razor burn, acne, burns, cuts, nasal congestion, and sore throats. Who knew?

  6. There’s no such thing as too much! It’s recommended to use 3-6 times a day, but in case that’s not enough to use in a 24 hour period.. there’s no worry of over using due to the enzymes H2Ocean contains.

This is my honest opinion on H2Ocean from my experience using it and using it when I used to pierce ears. If you’re interested in H2Ocean, you can find it at most piercing/tattoo shops and also HERE on Amazon.

Check out my video below on H2Ocean. Also for more piercing/jewelry related videos, subscribe here.

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